Pastor Stephen E. Broden
Fair Park Bible Fellowship Church
1321 Rowan
Dallas, TX 75223

The 44th NAACP Image Awards will be held in February of 2013. The awards comes at a time when the economic, and spiritual condition of black America is worse than any time since the passage of the civil rights act of 1964. Unemployment among black men is through the roof; more black men are in prison than in college. Single parent households represent a higher percentage than homes with married couples. Along with these dreadful conditions are a host of pathologies ranging from HIV/AIDS, diabetes, cancer, black on black crime and many other challenging issues that contribute to a community in crisis. Perhaps what is more telling concerning the state of affairs in black America is the gross failure and indifference of black leadership at the congressional level and especially in the NAACP.

The image of the NAACP is one of self aggrandizement and self serving. Perhaps the greatest example of this is the NAACP’s evil connection with Planned Parenthood and their immoral and sinful plot to control the black population in America and in the black diaspora. This relationship with Planned Parenthood is nothing short of betrayal. The abortion rate in black America is the leading cause of death of black people, more than cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS combined. Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry with the full support of the NAACP are responsible for depopulating the demographics of black America.

Leadership in the NAACP has betrayed the best interest of the community by sacrificing our present and future development through supporting an eugenic plot to control the population of black Americans.

The history of the NAACP speaks to an organization that was started by individuals concerned about the devastating consequences of slavery: destroyed lives, families broken up by slave masters, mutilated human beings who were victims of cruel individuals who showed no mercy to the slave population.

Today in black America there is a mutilation going on, far worse than during slavery. This new slavery involves more than thirteen hundred babies being torn apart in their mothers’ wombs every day. Women are demeaned by so-called rap artists, men are misrepresented in degrading music, and sexual perversion is promoted through the immoral practice called, “being on the down low.”

Regrettably, today when we look at the NAACP, we see an organization that is in partnership with those who support same sex marriage, and other immoral agencies that contribute to the demise of black America. It is evident that the NAACP has lost its way, and sold its soul for a hand full of barley and a piece of bread (Ezekiel 13:19). When someone will do anything for money, they have simply become a Prostitute. And we as concerned members of the NBPLC will stand against and fight this Prostitution.

In this 44th year of the NAACP’s Image Awards we offer our view of their image to those of us in the community where their leadership is targeted.

We see the NAACP as having: 

1.  Betrayed, and sold out black America for personal gain.

2.  Partnered with eugenics to control the black population.

3.  Abandoned the Christian traditions of the community in favor of a secular agenda devoid of God, the Bible, and faith.

4.  Sold out to corporations and big money interests.

5.  Participated in the murder of over 15 million black babies and the psychological scarring of multiple thousands of black women in America.

Over the scope of the United States’ existence as a nation, black American people have overcome many hardships. However, the leadership of our people has lost their bearings; blinded by the wine of the world they have sold their own brothers and sisters for a mess of pottage called inclusion and political correctness. Presently, the African American community is poised to fall into the abyss of ethnocidal self-destruction brought on by demographic fatigue cause by social, spiritual, and economic problems that the established Civil Rights Leadership cultural elite have willfully abandoned for personal gain. The most wicked and corrupted is the NAACP which rides on soiled laurels as the "nation’s oldest civil rights organization."

The continual betrayals of the NAACP's leadership have driven disheartened members to burn over 3,500 membership cards. The national NAACP leadership is out of touch with black America and it is deeply entrenched in the pockets of corporate and special interests groups. This is an affront to the Christian beliefs that were foundational to the existence of an entire people. Mammon-driven NAACP leadership has turned its head from the consensus of black Americans to embrace abortion, homosexual marriage, celebration of amorality in the arts, and hedonistic alliances. NAACP has climbed into bed with the Leadership Council on Civil Rights who share neither commitment to nor respect for the history or values of our people.

We stand today as spiritual leaders and activists and represent a call in the land for those faithful to God and dedicated to rescuing their dying people from forthcoming judgment to march on the NAACP Image Awards Friday, February 1, 2013, to demand an end to corrupt and wicked leadership in black American life. We stand to proclaim a year of Repentance, Prayer, and Action. We stand to honor the unborn as gifts from God, worthy of all the rights of those living. We stand to stop the eugenic extermination of our children, and we stand to demand that the redeemed of God say so. We cannot sit in the seat of the scoffers any longer.

To all of like minds, join us in our moral crusade to save our people and the nation from divine judgment.

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