Therefore, LEARN welcomes into the network all communities who support Christian values and to ensure the survival of all races of people, and improve our quality of life without sacrificing our children.
Life is a wonderful choice.
LIFE - "Choose life so that you and your children will live..."
Deuteronomy 30:19
EDUCATION - LEARN offers quality, peaceful, non-violent leadership training at its conferences. LEARN embraces the precept of overcoming evil with ethical alternatives which acknowledge the sanctity of all human life. The LEARN staff helps state and local groups identify speakers for workshops and other educational events.
RESOURCE - LEARN is collecting and publishing books, articles, and documents that are invaluable resources for the survival of families.
NETWORK - The LEARN newsletter is vital to the education of our community regarding the holocaust of abortion and the attack centered on the family unit. This national network provides a unique opportunity for pro-family advocates to learn from the experiences and diversity of the various organizations, programs, and regions each member represents. Together, we can save our future generations.
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